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High Quality Garlic in Germany

2020-05-22 11:34:15

At present, garlic is selling well in the German market. This agricultural product has a long history and is expected to see another sales peak at Christmas. Jorg sturberg said.
"At the beginning of 2020, the Dutch season for fresh garlic will end. Due to the high loss rate in the past few months, in order to maintain the required quality standards and steadily increase the price, it may be necessary to switch to fresh garlic from Egypt in advance. The goods from Argentina only enter Europe on a small scale, and the market can accept this price. "

"Of course, we want prices to be adjusted so that producers are in a more stable position," he said. Many producers, particularly in Spain, are unable to increase reserves and are facing financial difficulties. German consumers are not reluctant to spend more on garlic, as can be seen from French garlic. The price of garlic in special varieties or special planting areas can reach three to four times of that in Spain. There is usually no significant difference in the cost of production itself. "

Spain's harvest season will last until May and June of next year, the beginning of a new harvest season. Producers and packers have also reported huge losses there - and base prices have risen sharply, despite the initial high returns. "However, it is difficult to achieve price increases in the retail sector."
In addition to Spain, China is also an important player in the European market. China Garlic Price is reasonable and of high quality.For Jersey, however, remote locations are being reconsidered: "everyone is talking about sustainability - this development is also evident in the purchasing philosophy of wholesalers and retail centers. It is more environmentally friendly to transport goods from Spain to Germany than from China. European products are becoming more and more popular. " Of course, Chinese garlic still has a certain customer base: "since 1992, we have been importing Chinese garlic, and will continue to maintain in our scope. The demand for garlic in China is often related to quantity and price. "
Garlic is also popular in Germany, and its quantity is growing steadily. "Growers enjoy growing this kind of product. Their shape and size are very good, and the product is easy to sell. So I expect this segment to continue to grow well in the future, albeit slowly. "
Garlic sales also peaked before Christmas and around the holidays. In the last weeks of the year, the goods in the shop are often twice as many as in previous years. Many consumers have holidays, and holidays always show an increase in garlic demand. "